Beneath the silver glow of the full moon, a tale of valor, wit, and enchantment unfolds—a tale of the mighty King Vikramaditya and the enigmatic Vaital, a ghostly trickster who resides within a corpse hanging from an ancient banyan tree. Their story is one of wisdom tested, of persistence, and the endless pursuit of truth. The King’s Quest Raja Vikramaditya, the noble ruler of Ujjain, was renowned for his justice and unmatched courage. It is said that no challenge could daunt him, and no riddle could stump his intellect. One fateful night, a wandering ascetic named Shantashil approached the king with a peculiar request: “Your Majesty,” he said, bowing low, “if you desire to attain true glory, venture to the cemetery on the darkest night. There, amidst the howling winds, you will find a corpse suspended from a banyan tree. Bring it to me, and I shall reveal secrets that grant eternal wisdom.” Though the ascetic’s request was strange, Vikramaditya accepted without hesitation. He was a ki...